Showing up Fully Aligned and Fully Expressed

May 5, 2021

When I was 24 years old, I won a ticket to an event in New York for entrepreneurs and moved heaven and earth to get there. During the event, someone shared how they learned to live fully expressed thanks to the work of this particular teacher… and goodness did that concept resonate deeply in my bones.

Fully expressed.

I didn’t know exactly what it meant for me, but I knew I wanted it.

I knew it was something I’d lost somewhere along the way, and I was willing to do anything to get it back. I even signed up for this woman’s mastermind (which didn’t help!) And while I’ve spent the last decade-plus working to untangle myself from the person the world (and my partners) always told me I had to be so I could show up fully expressed as who I’ve always been—I’ve never felt more ready and able to do so until now.

I’m ready to be all of me unapologetically.

The me I’ve always been, but few people have seen or known. The me I’ve kept tucked away because it was safer in relationships and spaces of all kinds. The me that’s braver and bolder and takes up far more space on my terms, regardless of what anyone thinks about it or wants from me.

It’s exciting and nerve-wracking!!

Sharing a bit about this in my new vlog today…

(Sorry about the wind!)

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