Coaching + Community

This option includes:

  • A private Facebook community for ongoing support. Share your wins and ahas, get feedback when you feel stuck, connect with like-minded people working to live their purpose, and get direct support from me when you need motivation or guidance.
  • Daily Study Mode videos every weekday designed to help you go deeper into this work and apply it to your goals. Repetition is the mother skill, and all of the most successful minds know this. Daily “Study Mode” has allowed me to transform so many areas of my life and work rapidly. Every day you’ll get a 2 - 3 minute video of me sharing something I’ve read or learned with a simple reflection question or action item to help you lock in these lessons in a new and lasting way. Videos will be posted in the Facebook group and our private membership site if you’re not on social media.
  • Two live group coaching calls where you can connect with myself and the community, get laser coaching, and learn from others’ growth as well. These calls will be hosted on Zoom and streamed live in the Facebook group, so you can join in whatever way works best for you. Recordings will stay in the Facebook group and be posted on the private membership site if you’re not on social media. Calls are scheduled for 7pm EST and 7pm GMT for international members!
  • Two live group AcuSesh or processes each month followed by laser coaching. Based on what’s coming up in the group, I’ll craft a brand new Acupressure or process session to help everything get to the root of their fears, blocks, triggers, and patterns so that we can all be free of them for good. Plus, being in the energy of the group with a shared intention is incredibly powerful! Afterward, I’ll open up the line for Q&A and laser coaching to support you with any blocks that are coming up. These sessions will be hosted on Zoom and streamed live in the Facebook group, so you can join in whatever way works best for you. Recordings will stay in the Facebook group and get posted on our private membership site if you’re not on social media. Calls are scheduled for 7pm EST and 7pm GMT for international members!
  • All-Access Pass. The moment you join, you get on-demand access to our Facebook community and the private membership site with our entire library of coaching calls, AcuSesh recordings, and process sessions. It’s like Netflix for healing and growth, living your purpose, and making the impossible happen!

I believe this Coaching + Community experience will benefit individuals at all points on the journey to living their purpose. We’ve intentionally set it up so that no matter what your goal is, you’re going to get exactly what you need—while rubbing shoulders with others who are at entirely different points! This is critical.


Because even if you’re working to build a business or make more money, you must continue the conversation around healing your trauma and doing your growth work. And if you’re still deep in the throes of that intense healing work, you must surround yourself with people who are doing (or have done) the work to create more in their lives, careers, or relationships.

Every time I level up in my life or business, I have to face a new growth edge, work through deeper layers of trauma, or move through different aspects of self-sabotage and subconscious strategies.

That’s the work, and it never ends.

Which is why I’ve made this a space where we’ll be talking about ALL POINTS on the journey to living your purpose. No matter where you’re at, the coaching calls, AcuSesh and processes, and daily Study Mode videos will help you move into your next-level quickly.

Coaching + Community is for you if:

  • You’re working to rise up and come back in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. You’re ready to heal and grow, and you’re tired of stalling out, feeling stuck, or self-sabotaging around the things you desire most.
  • You’re ready to uncover your purpose and build your life and work around it. Whether that’s changing your lifestyle dramatically, starting a business, or making a quantum leap in your career—you’re ready to learn the tools, mindset, skills, and ways of being necessary to make it happen quickly.
  • You’re already a high-achiever, but you’re ready to level-up significantly. This could look like growing your business, making more money, finding your right partner, buying that dream home, traveling around the world, or anything else that feels like a HUGE step up from your present successes.

Accessibility is one of our core values as a company and one of our top focuses for the coming year. That’s why we created this experience—giving you everything you need to begin or supercharge your growth and healing while going easy on your bank account!


$15 per month

(Cancel any time!*)

$160 per year

(Get four months FREE!)

*All payments made towards Coaching + Community are non-refundable. However, if you sign up monthly, you may cancel your membership at any time by contacting support on the site or by email.
