The 3 Components for Moving Into What's Next Rapidly

with Stephenie Zamora

Nothing is as maddening as standing in the middle of your own life, feeling as if you're hanging on by your fingernails—completely and utterly disoriented by the people and things you worked so hard to cultivate. Feeling entirely uncertain of how to engage in the places and spaces that used to feel like home.

These experiences are what we have to face as we make the choice to 'rise up' and 'come back.' There are three components to this work: reorienting, renegotiation, and releasing, and once you understand them, you can move forward into what's next with far more ease.

Actionable takeaways:

  • Learn how to navigate every aspect of your life in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions.
  • Understand the difference between reorienting, renegotiation, and releasing and gain a clear understanding of which approach to take in each situation, relationship, or area.
  • Begin navigating your healing and growth with far more ease.
  • Set firm boundaries, communicate in a way that allows you to feel heard, and begin calling in your next-level community!

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