The Frequency of Freedom: Navigating Systems to Build a Fully Aligned Life 

With Stephenie Zamora

We move through life believing that we’re making conscious choices, but if we’re unaware of the internal and external systems at play and how they influence us, we’re never truly free.

We never genuinely make decisions from our highest, most aligned, and fully expressed selves. Instead, everything we do is wholly motivated and directed by our subconscious programming, external environment, outside influences, and present circumstances.

Systems are at play from birth, most of which are actively designed to strip us of who we are so that we “fit” in a way that benefits the system and its creators. We must learn how to navigate the impact of systems without losing or stressing ourselves so that we can become the person we’re here to be, doing the work we feel called to do.

In this insightful conversation, Stephenie will help audiences understand the effects of systems and how to reclaim ourselves and our freedom so that we can build a fully aligned life.

Actionable takeaways:

  • What it means to be free in a world that actively seeks to limit us, how to cultivate an unwavering sense of peace amidst chaos, and what full alignment means to you.
  • How systems work, how to identify them (hint: they’re everywhere!!), and how they shape our subconscious beliefs and worldview, causing harm and damage.
  • The art of not taking things personally or taking on others’ energy and beliefs so that you can navigate life without losing yourself or your purpose in the process.
  • How to navigate stressful experiences without costing yourself your health or sanity so you can stay cool, calm, and collected, free to make truly conscious choices.
  • The most potent mindset shift you can integrate to experience the full frequency of freedom regardless of what’s happening, who tries to hurt you, or what goes wrong.
  • The powerful practice that allows you to operate from fruitful soil and a clean slate at any moment, regardless of what’s happened (or continues to happen.)

Let's help your audience experience more freedom in their lives! 

This topic can be presented as a podcast interview, guest expert training, keynote talk, or interactive workshop.
