The Science of Magnetism: Create What You Desire with Ease

With Stephenie Zamora

You can’t hold onto the things you deeply desire, let alone attract or align with them in the first place if you’re not moving through the world from the right frequency.

This requires understanding your unique energetics, how to fully embody the way of being of already having the things you desire, and learning how to work with the frequency-based universe that is our world. It’s not woo-woo or magical thinking; it’s a science.

In this transformational conversation, Stephenie will walk your audience through the methodical process of stepping outside the constraints of your personality type, breaking free from the shackles of your traumas and limiting beliefs, and expanding your capacity to attract, receive, and easily hold whatever your heart desires—no matter how big or impossible it feels.

Actionable takeaways:

  • Understand why we end up in ruts and periods of stagnation and how to move out of one more quickly so that you can get back in motion on your big goals.
  • Learn the three components of magnetism and where you’re presently getting blocked or tripped up so that you can free yourself to move forward more effortlessly.
  • Learn how to quickly shift out of fear and into the frequencies of supported, aligned, and magnetic so that you no longer stall the process of calling in what you want.
  • Understand the single most critical factor for leveling up quickly and how to move through this work at an exponentially accelerated pace.
  • Learn how to build and compound magnetism even when you’re in the depths of intense struggle, chaos, heavy emotions, or you’re feeling stuck at “rock bottom.”

Let's help your audience become magnetic and start creating what they desire with ease!

This topic can be presented as a podcast interview, guest expert training, keynote talk, or interactive workshop.
