Choosing the Path for Your Return

If you’re in this stage, you’re likely feeling a bit raw and somewhat disoriented from the process of death and rebirth. But, you’re also beginning to form a new sense of self, a new relationship to yourself, your life, your work from this new, changed space. You’re building your ‘choice’ muscle, and getting clear on what choices you need to make to complete the return and really heal and become whole again, whatever ‘healed and whole’ means to you in the aftermath. You’re ready to get clarity on what you’re creating next, what the purpose of this path was.

In order to move through the fourth stage, you must develop:

  • An ability to consistently make the choice to ‘rise up’ and ‘come back’.
  • A clear sense of who you are in the aftermath of this journey.
  • An understanding of the purpose of this path you’ve been walking.
  • An ability to feel reoriented to your life, work, and relationships.