Say Yes to What’s Coming Alive

August 14, 2018

A month ago to the day, I was forced to ask myself a very big question. If I can’t stay in the home I love, do I want to stay in the city I’m in?

For two weeks I struggled with this question. Do I stay or do I go? Can I have the kind of life I crave while staying near my community? Am I really willing to walk away from the convenience, the people, the lovely little life I’ve built? Am I really going to go live a totally different life alone in the mountains?

But the truth was, my heart had been craving a different life for the last year and a half. When I finally found freedom from my last relationship, I wanted to leave. I wanted to move to a little canyon town that sat perfectly positioned between hours of Rocky Mountains and hours of Utah desert.

I wanted an entirely different life.
But I let fear get the best of me and never did anything about it.

When I found myself facing this question again, I could no longer deny the invitation of my soul… so I finally said yes.

I said yes and everything fell into place immediately.

My landlord agreed to let me out of my lease early. The ideal apartment became available in the canyon I adore. The opportunity to buy the perfect 4Runner dropped into my lap. Everything clicked into place around what I want to offer in order to create what’s next for both myself, my clients, and my work.

ONE MONTH from the day I was forced to face into this important choice point and I’ve changed everything foundational about my life and business. In 25 days I’ll be living an entirely different life. One that’s more deeply aligned for me.

While it hasn’t been without fear and sadness and some massive upper limiting, it’s happened with a whole lot of EASE.

Because when we truly tap into our DESIRE and start feeding the parts that are coming alive—rather than the fear, the wounds, the limiting beliefs—we step into a powerfully creative space that allows the “impossible” to become possible.

It’s not as simple as declaring what you want though. Because when you declare what you want, you immediately bump up against (or smash into) your limiting beliefs, deepest fears, childhood wounds, core patterns, and upper limits (a.k.a., your maximum capacity for good, success, love, wealth, etc.)

If you don’t have the tools, awarenesses, and skills, you’ll let these things derail you. You’ll self-sabotage. You’ll see the natural upper limiting as “signs” that “the Universe doesn’t support you.” You’ll let fear win out and choose to be “practical” or “realistic.” You’ll get sick, break a leg, or your car will die. You’ll ask the people that you already know don’t support you for their opinions.

You’ll do all the things you do to stay safe, secure, and comfortable.

Even if staying safe, secure, and comfortable means living a small life that doesn’t require you to truly show up and give your gifts to the world.

Not only does Journey Mapping™ teach you all the tools you need to navigate these inevitable blocks and beliefs FOR GOOD, it will help you craft a map that’s as unique as you are.

A map for things like:

  • How to go from feeling deeply stuck, unfulfilled, or completely lost in your life, work, and relationships… to feeling joyful, passionate, in love with being alive, and deeply connected to those around you.
  • Finding your footing and stepping wholeheartedly into what comes next in the aftermath of big life-altering events such as grief, loss, trauma, depression, job loss, divorce, etc.
  • Having a deeper level of understanding around what you’ve been through, who you’re becoming, and what it will take to create EXACTLY what you desire from where you stand now.
  • Getting clarity around what it is you’re here to do—your soul’s work in the world—so you can begin creating and contributing in a purposeful way… the way that only YOU can.
  • Getting off the path of “shoulds” and “practicalities” that have left you feeling overwhelmed, numb, exhausted, and unhappy so that you can create a life that allows you to show up fully aligned and fully expressed in all the ways you crave.
  • How to create, be, do, and have MORE. More time, more money, more freedom, more of everything your heart desires—without getting derailed by all the blocks and beliefs you’ve bumped up against in the past.

In the last three years, I’ve learned so much about healing, trauma, Universal Laws, working with core patterns and wounding, how to integrate the parts of yourself that have become fragmented, manifesting, creating what you desire, increasing your income exponentially, and so much more.

Journey Mapping™ will be PACKED with all the resources, tools, and processes you need to learn how to say YES to the invitation of your soul, as well as to navigate the journey that follows with far more grace and ease.

Join before August 20th to save $200, plus receive instant access to Foundations for Unshakable Joy™, which is another phenomenal program for uncovering who you’re here to be and the work you’re here to do.

Click here to join now.

I can’t wait to support you in uncovering the purpose of your path! 🙂

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