Turn Consults into Clients Using My EXACT Script and Process!

Turn Consults into Clients Using My EXACT Script and Process!

Without it feeling pushy, manipulative, or like a yucky sales strategy… PLUS, receive my top tools and responses for common objections around time and money.

When I first started my own business, the one thing I hated most was consultation calls. I could not bring myself to “ask for the sale” no matter how excited or ready to sign on they were. Even if they told me “awesome, let’s do this!” I wouldn’t be able to muster up the courage to talk about payment options or take payment right there on the line.

It felt weird. Wrong. Yucky. And, heaven forbid, salesy.

Truth be told, very few people were even excited about signing on to begin with, because I would awkwardly fumble through every conversation… blindly babbling on about what I did and what my offerings were, ho-humming around pricing, and basically deflecting any interest with awkward responses that stemmed from “not wanting to be pushy.”

So, obviously, I didn’t make a lot of money.

And you know what’s the worst part is?
Nothing I offered was high priced.

Everything was ridiculously underpriced… yet I couldn’t sign anyone. My guess is that if you downloaded this guide, you have experienced something similar. You know what you have to offer is great — even AMAZING — and will bring people tremendous change and phenomenal results in their lives… but you hate, hate, hate talking about money. You hate, hate, hate having any form of conversation that even resembles sales. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, and the last thing you want to do is push or manipulate someone.

In this guide I’ll be sharing my proven process for turning consults into clients, as well as my top tools and responses for common objections around time and money!

It’s not using scarcity to prompt action.
It’s not playing on fears and insecurities.
It’s not a manipulative tactic.

It’s simply having a conversation that feels really awesome, really aligned, and naturally guides you right into signing the right people up for your programs and services.

Let’s dive in, shall we?!