Do You Have the Strength to Empty Your Emotions Out?

February 19, 2020

Back when I was at my lowest point, people often told me that in order to feel better, I just needed to “talk about it.”

But what if you can’t just talk about it?
What if you don’t want to talk about it?

Sometimes, there are no words to adequately express what you’re feeling. Other times, even if there are words, you can’t find the strength to say them out loud. Or, you’re not sure if it’s safe to say what’s true and how you’re really feeling to the ones around you.

We all deal with things our own way… and we all let go of things in our own way. I’ve found solace in writing, while others may find solace in painting or in music or whatever brings you peace. Heck, some people scream at the top of their lungs into a raging river just to empty the emotions out.

We all deal with things our own way.

Let’s be kind enough with each other to accept and respect that, as well as to support the process however we can.

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