Don’t Trust Fear

March 14, 2019

After we make big life altering decisions, fear shows up. Fear tells us we’re wrong and everything is awful and if we don’t reverse our decision the entire world will explode and we’ll end up broke and homeless and alone until the end of time… you know how it goes.

But here’s the thing…
Fear is a liar.

Fear will tell you whatever it takes to change your mind. Fear will give you only the best memories and thoughts about the things you left behind. Fear will spool up stories about chaos and wreckage that isn’t real, that will never happen. And fear will tell you that you’re never going to be able to step into what comes next, because it’s far too scary and different and unfamiliar.

Don’t trust fear.

Trust the you that made the decision.
Trust the you that chose truth and alignment.
Trust the you that finally knew enough was enough.
Trust the you that already knows there’s something better.
Trust the you that holds the vision of a beautiful and breathtaking future.

Trust the you that made the decision, and keep coming back to that trust as many times as it takes.

Transition and change are hard and scary.
Trust and faith is everything for moving into what’s next.

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