How to Take Better Care of Yourself as an Entrepreneur

December 15, 2021

We’ve all been there…

It’s 8pm on a Wednesday night, you’re still sitting in your PJs, and the only meal you ate today came from a bag or a box.

“But I got so much done today,” isn’t an excuse that’ll work in the long run.

As an entrepreneur, you need to realize that you’re the company’s biggest asset. That makes self-care a necessity, not something you only do when you “have the time.” Real talk: you rarely “have the time” because you’re not making it.

There are some small but significant changes you can introduce in your day to take better care of yourself—even on the busiest days.

Let’s look at how…

1. Know your boundaries.

Boundaries are the best way to preserve your precious energy.

But first, let me just say that setting boundaries doesn’t make you a selfish person, nor does it make you a “bad” entrepreneur. You’re not really doing anyone a favor if you don’t have boundaries, since you won’t be able to perform at your best.

Having solid boundaries in your life and business means respecting yourself, your time, and your energy, along with your clients and team.

2. Decide what works for you.

To give you an idea, boundaries can look like:

  • Not replying to every email or text as soon as it arrives
  • Having set days or hours for scheduling calls vs. doing work
  • Giving yourself a digital detox from time to time
  • Knowing when to say no (and saying it more often)
  • Taking time off whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed/stressed out
  • Setting clear terms in your agreements and sticking to them
  • Not tolerating scope creep or working for free
  • Taking a break for meals and not working at your desk
  • Having clear work hours as much as possible

My best advice for boundaries is noticing what doesn’t work and setting them as soon as you recognize what’s needed. Build them into your client agreements! Anytime something impeded on my health, well-being, or sanity, we literally write it into our agreements so that it can be agreed to and referenced as needed!

3. Schedule regular downtime.

Are you one of those, “just-one-more-email” people?

If you are, then let me warn you: burnout is very real.

I’ve found that the best way to get some rest (without feeling guilty about it) is to schedule it. Yes, right there on your calendar. But the key is to honor that time just like you would any other scheduled call or appointment. It’s about getting you the downtime you need, and it makes planning so much easier.

Ideally, you’re looking for some sort of relaxation time every day—and the week off every here and there. It’s going to create a massive difference in the quality of your work (and will directly support your business growth)!

4. Build a routine that works for you

Even the busiest people need to eat, sleep, unwind, and spend time with the people they love. And by “eat and sleep,” I don’t mind surviving on PB&J sandwiches and leaning on coffee for energy. I mean following a daily or weekly routine that helps you nourish your body and feel your absolute best.

That could look like finding an hour or so every day for a walk in the sun or meal prepping on weekends. A routine is made up of habits that make life just a tiny bit easier, more pleasurable, and more supportive of your goals.

And if the word routine reminds you of awful 5am wake-up calls? Don’t let that stop you. Experiment with different habits until you find the ones that work for you!

5. Find ways to recharge.

I’m absolutely certain you love, love, love what you do.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something that’s not work. Plus, now that you make your own schedule, you can easily do the things you’ve always wanted.

Perhaps now’s the time to take guitar lessons, bake sourdough bread, learn Italian, or spend more time making memories with your loved ones. Those tiny bits doing something else with your time are going to supercharge to your energy levels!

What do you do to take care of yourself on your busy days and weeks?

What does self-care look like for you as an entrepreneur?

And if you need support in building a profitable business around your passions and purpose that doesn’t lead to overwhelm and burnout, check out my business building program, Your Passion-Based Business! Having worked with so many clients, I’ve perfected the process of turning passionate individuals into profitable entrepreneurs. Because this process works so well, I’ve packaged it in an easy to follow, 12-week program to help you do the same.

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