Every Day Is a Chance to Begin Again

September 24, 2017

Every day is a chance to begin again. To start writing yourself into a new story, a new chapter, or an entirely different book. To start walking the path you were always meant to walk.

Life may throw us curveballs and send us on soul shaping detours, but it’s on us to maintain our sense of self and direction… which is far from easy at times.

But the truth?
We always know.
Always, always.

Who we are and who we want to become. Where we’re headed and what exactly we desire to create along the way. What brings us joy and what ignites passion and purpose in our heart. It’s all there, buried deep below the day to day obligations and to dos and overwhelm. Below the layers of fabricated facades we wear in order to “fit.” Below the shoulds and expectations that are piled on from many sources over the years.

Start digging deeper into what you desire, and be willing to admit it out loud. To yourself and to the ones you love. Start taking actions that honor what you already know to be true. Showing up in alignment with who you already know yourself to be at your core.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people over the years… many of whom claimed they had no idea who they were or what they wanted. They always knew. And you’ve always known too… that I know for sure.

Life is a process of remembering what’s been inside you all along.


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