Fully Closing a Door and Opening to What’s Next

July 6, 2021

Sometimes it takes really, fully closing a door for what’s next to make itself known.

Sometimes the closing happens swiftly, yes.

But often, it takes shutting and reopening, shutting and reopening until you’re really clear and ready that’s it’s time to close.

There may be grief, tears, and heartache as you finally say, “no more.” Yet, there’s also a sweet sense of surrender and peace that comes in the aftermath. And when you can settle into the finality of what’s now gone for good, you open into possibility.

Sometimes those possibilities take time to come to fruition, and someone’s they happen in the moments after the closing and release in ways you’re not expecting.

Grateful for my own sweet surprises from the universe that are showing me just how amazing the next chapter’s going to be.

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