“How Is This Shaping Or Serving Me?”

September 14, 2020

“How is this shaping or serving me?”

I think we can agree that life isn’t always a series of smooth, coordinated moments. Sometimes, things get… Messy. Tangled. Painful. Heartbreaking. Sometimes, things just don’t go the way we hope or desire, or they unravel completely.

And when that happens, and there’s nothing we can do to course-correct or change the outcome… we have to change how we think about it.

Taking ourselves from:
Why does this always happen to me?

And moving into:
I wonder how this is shaping or serving me?

The key thing here is that we feel our feelings first. Always and thoroughly. We don’t stuff them down or bypass with polished positivity and the idea that “everything happens for a reason.” Everything does happen for a reason, but sometimes that reason is simply heartbreakingly human, not divinely inspired.

We don’t bypass our feelings, but we do CHOOSE to remember our greatest power: the ability to make meaning out of anything. And when we start to wonder about how each experience might be shaping or serving us, we move from powerless to empowered.

So whatever you’re going through, embrace the heartache, the tears, and all the mess that comes with it. Tend to your heart and soul as best you can. Allow yourself to be supported.

I can’t tell you where this challenge is going to take you. but I can tell you this: it’s going to be someplace beautiful. As long as you DECIDE to make something beautiful and meaningful out of it—when the time is right.


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