I Want You to Have the Time and Space You Need to Heal

February 18, 2020

I wish I could tell you that challenging chapters have an expiration date – that after a day… a week… a few months, it’ll be like nothing ever happened.

Sadly, that’s just not how it works. We’re all resilient creatures when we choose to be, yet some people bounce back more quickly while others need much longer.  

Observe how you feel.
Observe how your body feels.
Observe how your mind feels.

For me, a major sign that I still needed time to heal was the fact that I’d still burst out crying, even at random times, while working or getting my morning tea. There was still too much sadness and heartache that needed to be released… and I was still far too disoriented as I tried to navigate into what would come next.

So I gave myself more time and more space to deal with all of that.
And I wish nothing more for you than to do the same.  

Trust your process and your journey.
You’re exactly where you need to be.

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