It’s Okay to Want More

July 31, 2019

When you know you deserve more, different, or better… when you simply desire more, different, or better… that’s enough to make a change. You don’t have to know exactly what it means or what it will look like going forward, you just have to know that it’s not ‘this’, whatever ‘this’ is for you right now.

You can say “no, thank you” to the people and things that don’t feel aligned, just because they don’t feel aligned.

You can pass on opportunities and experiences, simply because they feel ‘off’ to you on that deeper, intuitive level.

You can make decisions in favor of yourself, your heart, your wants, and your needs, even if you’re the only one that understands it. Even if you’re not sure exactly what you’re moving towards.

You can uproot your entire life, make the move or switch careers, and lean into that which calls to your heart, simply because it’s calling to you in a way you can no longer ignore.

People get mad when I write about these things. When I give permission to trust yourself and go after your desires. They call it narcissistic and selfish, irresponsible and damaging.

Is it though?

Is it really damaging to encourage people to step into who they’re here to be and the work they’re here to do, even if that means going against what society expects of them? What others want from them?

I don’t believe it is.

I believe personal responsibility has the power to change the world, and the ultimate form of personal responsibility is full alignment and full expression of self. It’s living your purpose and contributing in the way that only you can… and you can’t do that if you’re too bogged down with other people’s expectations of who you should be, based on what makes them most comfortable.

Yes, take care of your life and don’t maliciously hurt or injure others in the process… but do the work to step into who you’re here to be. Don’t let others hold you back, and don’t be the kind of person that holds others back out of fear or discomfort.

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