Learning to Hit Pause

September 12, 2017

I’m learning to hit pause when I feel myself leaning into old patterns and ways of being that I don’t want to operate from anymore… especially when I have no idea what I want instead, or what it means to do things differently.

I’m learning to stand still for as long as it takes to FEEL INTO what comes next, no matter how “stubborn” or “overthinking” it may seem. Operating on whims and “let’s just see what happens when I wander that random way,” no longer suits me unless it FEELS aligned for who I am and who I want to become. Unless I’m drawn to wander or experiment in ways that feel right for me.

Overthinking can be bad, it’s true.
But so can not thinking and feeling things through.

I don’t need to know how it will all turn out. I don’t need clear answers to every question rattling around my head or pulsing through my heart. I don’t even need to know what steps two and three and beyond are. I just need to know that the next step I take—however small or seemingly insignificant—is RIGHT for ME.

So, I pause. I stand still.
And I’ll do it for as long as it takes.

Because I’m choosing to create a life and business and relationships from a much more conscious and intentional space than I ever have before. One day, one moment, one step at a time.


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