Choose Your Guiding Word Self-Coaching Guide


I’ve been choosing a single word to guide me for the New Year for many years now. A single word that sums up the essence and focus for the next 365 days of my life. Sure, I still set personal and professional goals, but having that guiding word changed everything. It allows me to step back and look at the big picture. Take a peek at my process and use it for yourself, even if it’s not the official calendar New Year!

Since I turned 23 years old, I started to set resolutions and massive goals every year at my birthday and the New Year. I would list out everything I wanted to change or gain in my life to “be happy.” But after just a few days or weeks, nothing happened, and I was left depressed and deflated.

So I gave up on resolutions and creating an extensive list of massive goals for every area of my life… Instead, I’ve been choosing a single word to guide me for the New Year for many years now. A single word that sums up the essence and focus for the next 365 days of my life. Sure, I still set personal and professional goals, but having that guiding word changed everything. It allows me to step back and look at the big picture. Take a peek at my process and use it for yourself, even if it’s not the official calendar New Year!

I ask myself… What do I want to feel this year? What kind of experiences do I want to have? What results, effects, or changes do I want to see in myself and my life? I’ve chosen words such as abundance, connect, truth, and expansion!

Are you ready to choose your guiding word?

These Awesome Life Guide Quickies are some of the exact exercises and tools I give my program members and one-on-one coaching clients to work through some of their biggest blocks.

Because we all experience the same blocks and obstacles, I wanted to create these guides so that you can choose to work on one specific issue as needed, as many times as it takes. Quickies are delivered as PDF documents via email just moments after you send payment. This means you can print them out, read them on your computer or smart phone, or load them onto your e-reader!