Creating Depth in Relationships Self-Coaching Guide


If you’re anything like me, you crave deeper connections and intimacy in your relationships. Not just with your significant other, but with friends and family members as well. Unfortunately, most people aren’t skilled at the art of connection-based communication, and they have no idea how to go deep. Are you ready to create depth in your relationships? I’m sharing my tips and tools with you inside this guide.

If you’re anything like me, you crave deeper connections and intimacy in your relationships. Not just with your significant other, but with friends and family members as well. Unfortunately, most people aren’t skilled at the art of connection-based communication, and they have no idea how to go deep. This can be part fear of being judged or seen, and also simply inexperience!

I used to be really frustrated by talking to other people because I felt like everyone just stayed safely on the surface, and I wanted more. I wanted conversations where we shared our truths, stories, and hearts… I wanted to know people deeply, and I wanted to be deeply known, especially in my romantic relationships.

Convinced the problem was everyone else, I gave up for a long time. Until I realized that I was part of the problem, and I could be the complete solution if I wanted. Now, I find myself in deep, profound, connected conversations all the time. With strangers (like the man installing my Internet line), old and new friends, family members, and especially in my partnerships. It’s incredible, and I’m sharing my tips and tools with you inside this guide.

These Awesome Life Guide Quickies are some of the exact exercises and tools I give my program members and one-on-one coaching clients to work through some of their biggest blocks.

Because we all experience the same blocks and obstacles, I wanted to create these guides so that you can choose to work on one specific issue as needed, as many times as it takes. Quickies are delivered as PDF documents via email just moments after you send payment. This means you can print them out, read them on your computer or smart phone, or load them onto your e-reader!