Are you feeling less than positive about a certain area of your life? Maybe it’s a close relationship, the job you’re starting to hate, or a recent experience that left you anxious and upset. While I know it can be oh-so-frustrating to hear in the moment, taking a positive look can help you continue creating a life you truly love, regardless of circumstances.
Being joyful, passionate, fulfilled, and having relationships that lift you up starts with your mindset and your ability to put a positive foot forward in everything you do. I know this can be hard, and this isn’t about spiritually bypassing what’s hard and what hurts. It’s not about false joy or any kind of “fake it ‘til ya make it” B.S. This is about really, truly shifting your perception of the experience, relationship or situation.
I won’t lie to you, this isn’t easy work. But if you take the time to work through the exercise in this guide, every single time you feel negative, frustrated, overwhelmed, or like life is crushing you, you will experience shifts. Not only that, amazing experiences, opportunities and people will begin to show up.
These Awesome Life Guide Quickies are some of the exact exercises and tools I give my program members and one-on-one coaching clients to work through some of their biggest blocks.
Because we all experience the same blocks and obstacles, I wanted to create these guides so that you can choose to work on one specific issue as needed, as many times as it takes. Quickies are delivered as PDF documents via email just moments after you send payment. This means you can print them out, read them on your computer or smart phone, or load them onto your e-reader!