There’s Always an In Between

March 7, 2019

There’s always an in between.

The space we find ourselves drifting through as we move from what was to what will be. When we let go of the hands that held us and leap wholeheartedly into what comes next, all by ourselves. When we make big, fundamental changes to our life, work, relationships, and our way of being in the world.

This place can be terrifying because it feels so empty and isolating. We’re not sure if anyone will show up to love and support us on the other side of letting go. We’re not positive people will pay the higher prices as we begin to value our work. We’re not certain that we know what we’re doing as we leave behind all that’s known and familiar in search of something more. We’re not sure we’ll be understood as we begin to live, speak, and breathe our deepest truths.

This is normal, it’s to be expected.
Because we’re creating a void.

We’re clearing out anything and everything that’s no longer aligned, so that we have the space to call in something different, something better, something more true to our heart. And while ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ and will find a way to fill it, there’s still that moment in time, however big or small, where an empty pocket exists.

Trust yourself enough to stand steady through the silence. To believe in your ability to call in what you desire, even if it takes time. To not turn and run back to what’s known and familiar, simply because you’re feeling scared or isolated. Simply because you miss it.

I’ve let go of so much and so many.
And there are plenty of times it still hurts my heart.
Times where I want to run back to what was.

But the longer I stand steady and do the work to continue facing forward and feeding the parts that are coming alive, the more amazing things begin to feel. The more aligned people arrive, opportunities present themselves, and the path becomes clearer.

Stand steady.
I promise it’s worth it.

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