Trust Yourself, You Already Know

June 27, 2019

There really is no “ignorance is bliss” when you’ve honed and are deeply in tune with your intuition. Because even if you don’t want to know, you’re going to know. Even if you don’t want to be right, you’re going to be right.

When something is off or wonky.⁣
When a thing you want isn’t going to work.⁣
When a relationship is doomed to fail.⁣
When someone has crossed a boundary.⁣
When it’s not an opportunity that will go well.⁣
When it’ll be more heartache than it’s worth.⁣
When the energy of a situation is unclean.

You’ll just know.

And you’ll know no matter how okay things seem, how routine they appear, how totally normal the conversation is. You’ll know even if everything looks perfect on paper and everyone around you is saying it’s the opposite of what you feel in your gut.

The key, though, is trusting yourself that you know.⁣
Listening to that inner wisdom or intuitive nudge.⁣
Acting in alignment with what feels right and true.⁣
Moving away from anything that doesn’t.

Listening to that inner wisdom or intuitive nudge.⁣
Acting in alignment with what feels right and true.⁣
Moving away from anything that doesn’t.

Not gaslighting yourself or trying to pass it off as fear and discomfort. Not allowing others to gaslight you so they can get the outcome they want. Not trying to blame old patterns or wounds or ways of being. Not believe the lie that you’re creating a “self-fulfilling prophecy” or wasting energy trying to prove yourself wrong when you just know.

There’s no ignorance is bliss, but there’s a certain kind of comfort in knowing that you’ll always have your own back… so long as you use discernment to separate out fear from intuition and you’re willing to trust that inner voice with certainty… regardless if there’s no proof, no apparent reason, and no obvious red flags.

Trust yourself, friend.⁣
You already know.⁣

That’s enough.

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