Workshop #3: Call of the Void—The Alchemy Behind Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage


Tuesday, July 5th at 5pm ET

In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Understand what tests are, why they happen, how to discern them, and how to navigate your way through with more ease so that you’re not getting stuck or tripped up.
  • How to heal on a cellular level so that you’re no longer drowning in a debilitating cycle of trauma triggers, freeze states, confusion, or paralyzing fear.
  • Access the tools necessary for navigating the “Terror Barrier” that causes most people to stop short of their goals, building your confidence, intuition, and self-trust muscles.
  • How to alchemize any experience (and when it’s the right time to do so) to grow more fully into the person you’re here to be, uncovering more of your purpose in the process.
**This workshop is only available for purchase through midnight EST on Monday, July 4th! The replay will be available for ONE WEEK if you cannot attend live, and you can ask questions in our private Telegram channel.

All sales are final.

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