The story you tell yourself about your relationship, finances, or your worth can come from childhood experiences, mishaps in high school, or something a stranger said to you on the bus. While it’s super important to uncover the source and release it (which we’ll do in this guide!), it’s essential to shift the story so that you can begin making positive changes in your life.
Your mind is a powerful tool; it’s time to take control over the stories you tell yourself. This work isn’t easy, and it won’t create an overnight shift (though that instant sense of relief, release, and compassion for yourself goes a LONG way). It’s essential to commit to doing the work in this guide. If you do, you’ll create a significant shift in how you talk to yourself, and in turn, how you feel and what you create in the world.
Are you ready to create something amazing and feel truly happy? Let’s get to work…
These Awesome Life Guide Quickies are some of the exact exercises and tools I give my program members and one-on-one coaching clients to work through some of their biggest blocks.
Because we all experience the same blocks and obstacles, I wanted to create these guides so that you can choose to work on one specific issue as needed, as many times as it takes. Quickies are delivered as PDF documents via email just moments after you send payment. This means you can print them out, read them on your computer or smart phone, or load them onto your e-reader!