The Power of Pleasure, Joy, and Self-Care Self-Coaching Guide


When we’re busy and life starts to overwhelm us, the first thing we do is forget about our self-care, joy, and pleasure. Instead, we try to get more done, be more efficient, and focus on “more important” things. The reality is, self-care, joy, and pleasure are just as essential to being more productive as they are to living a life you love. If you’re ready to bring more pleasure and joy into your life without it costing time, money, or much effort, this ebook is for you!

When we’re busy and life starts to overwhelm us, the first thing we do is forget about our own self-care, joy, and pleasure. Instead, we try to get more done, be more efficient, and focus on “more important” things. The reality is, self-care, joy, and pleasure are just as essential to being more productive as they are to living a life you love.

Before you try to tell me that you just don’t have time for them, I promise this won’t take much effort from the beginning. We’re going to be focusing on small shifts in your daily routine to bring more pleasure and joy into the moments you’re already experiencing. Are you ready to bring more joy and pleasure into your life? Let’s get to work…

These Awesome Life Guide Quickies are some of the exact exercises and tools I give my program members and one-on-one coaching clients to work through some of their biggest blocks.

Because we all experience the same blocks and obstacles, I wanted to create these guides so that you can choose to work on one specific issue as needed, as many times as it takes. Quickies are delivered as PDF documents via email just moments after you send payment. This means you can print them out, read them on your computer or smart phone, or load them onto your e-reader!