January Was…

February 1, 2014


Truth telling, getting uncomfortable and expansion.

My best launch yet, and the creation of an amazing online community.

The start of my cleanse and the loss of 12lbs with ease and enjoyment.

New offering combining all the work I love with my first client (who I adore).

Snow days, fuzzy slippers and lots of fireplace snuggles.

Wood shops and mini golf.

Streamlined, systematized, organized and all about delegation.

Winter walks and Neti Pots.

Filling out a trademark application and booking an editor for my first book.

Finding a photographer and plotting my next redesign.

Loving green olives, cheat meal chocolate cake and avocado toast.

Realizing I’m a total WordPress development master (my, how far I’ve come).

New connections, phone conversations with best friends, and lots of Mama talks.

Abundant in the best of ways.

Challenging in the most necessary of ways.

Fulfilling in all possible ways.


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