One of my favorite lessons from A Course in Miracles is, “A miracle is a shift in perception.” By changing your perception of a situation, you completely shift your experience, the outcome and how you feel. So true and so amazing. Miracles are also found through gratitude and appreciating what’s all around you. I wrote my first Miracles Are post a few months ago, and have decided to make this an ongoing series when I feel compelled to share the miracles in my life. I’d love to hear yours. 🙂
Miracles Are…
- Speaking your truth, despite the fear and possibility of perfectly good things falling apart, and creating an outcome that is exactly what you desire.
- Cleanses that make you feel AH-MAZING, shave extra pounds right off, and remind you of what it feels like to be well, energized, peaceful around food, and comfortable.
- Surrendering and really learning the truth of the word. Also, really learning the power of the action, and seeing all the amazing things that manifest because of it.
- Releasing the old blocks, people, junk, beliefs, stories, business models, ways of being in the world, and everything that no longer serves you.
- The lightness, expansiveness, healing and power that comes from releasing said things. There’s nothing like a little white space to inspire the soul.
- Faith. In yourself, in those you love and count on, in the universe and it’s diving plan, in your vision. Faith is a miraculous concept.
- Frozen mango, green olives, avocado and garlic sale on rye crackers. Who’d have thought such tasty pleasure could come in such simple forms?
- Learning to delegate more fully so that the work you’re here to do actually gets done in this lifetime. Better yet, in this coming year.
- Tribes, and all the beautiful souls that occupy a single space. So much light, love, support, energy and inspiration comes from these spaces.
- Really understanding and feeling the meaning of, “There are years that ask questions, and there are years that answer.” And the many, many awesome answers.
- Colored post it notes, big wall calendars, sharpie pens and the joy of planning out an amazing year to come. Overflowing with so much to give to others.