May was…

June 4, 2014


Loads of space and mountain drives.

Final touches on my very first book which I can’t wait to share.

The actual, final snow of the season. Finally.

Moving out of interval training and into longer runs with joy.

Working from the couchand loads of journal writing in bed.

A new cross training toy as I get more serious about running.

Flowers, final spring blossoms, and new plant babies (to hopefully not kill).

Stepping further into financial freedom, abundance and organization.

Thunderstorms. Oh how I love me some thunderstorms.

Prettying up the yard, throw pillows, and loads of touch up paint.

This. Loads and loads of it.

Putting my first home, that I’ve owned for 8 years, on the market with joy.

Tears, truth telling, and creating more of the space I need.

Reconnection with those that speak to my soul.

Closing chapters and new beginnings.

Plotting adventures and upcoming travels.

Trust and release. Trust and release.



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