Before my 29th birthday last year I made a 30 before 30 list of goals. This year has been nothing like I expected, so I’m definitely not on track to hit all 30, but I thought with four months left before my birthday, I may as well check in on what I’ve done and where I’m at. It’s not to late to get a few more things checked off!
Goals I’ve met already this year:
10) Take a road trip.
Technically I’ve road tripped to both Missouri and New Mexico, both of which I enjoyed. The original idea was to actually road trip somewhere new and make stops along the way, but I count these because it’s been a long time since I’ve taken a road trip rather than flying and I enjoyed both trips very much!
15) Shift my business in a new direction.
With the launch of My Awesome Life Mastery, I’ve successfully moved my business in a new direction. I no longer provide design services to clients which is huge, and I’ve been coaching amazing individuals since last fall. I’m also getting ready to launch a new offering that will help tie all my work together beautifully.
17) Make self care a priority.
While this hasn’t been perfect, it’s been so much better for me this year. I’ve made it a point to take self care timeouts when I’m feeling really stressed, have been getting regular massages at the local massage therapy school, and am generally putting my mental health before my to do list on an ongoing basis. I’ve let my morning routine slide a lot lately, but I intend to remedy that as soon as I’m settled in my new place.
26) Publish my first book.
My Awesome Life Tips book will be released on Monday, June 30th and I’m SO EXCITED. A lot of love, hard work, collaboration, and heart went into my very first collection of 365 daily tips. It’s been professionally edited, is completely designed, and I’ve already handed out some proofs to family and friends. I’m so excited to share!
27) Get an awesome, professional photo shoot done.
DONE! The amazing Erika Astrid came out from Idaho to shoot my new photos and I’m so excited with how they’ve turned out. They’ll be all over my new website!
Goals I’m still working on:
2) Run a half marathon (13.1).
I’ve been training for the last three months (starting with just walking moving all the way up to 4 miles!) and will be running my first half marathon on October 18th here in Denver. I’m so excited, and so in love with running. This is my favorite goal this year.
3) Complete a full year of Project Life.
I did exactly one week of this in the traditional Project Life format, but have since decided I’m just going to make a big photo book at the end of the year rather than worrying about making a weekly scrapbook since I haven’t had time! I love Instagram, so I will be just as happy to have a physical book with my photos from the year.
4) Get back in shape.
I’ve been making progress on this for sure, but not as much as I’d like. I just joined a gym near my new place and am going to be creating my own health coaching/nutrition studying program so I can learn more about food, nutrition and diet. I also intend to see a naturopath to help me figure out my digestion issues.
23) Majorly detox my life.
About to let go of my house, which is a huge purge! I plan on really going through all the things I own as well and really simplifying where I can.
25) Pay off my debt.
This is a work in progress and one that I’ll be focusing on more aggressively after my house sells. I’ll be paying off a big chunk of debt with the profits from my house and have put together a clear budget for after I move. The biggest thing for me will be sticking to it, not eating out so much, and staying focused on paying down debt! I’ve also bought a cool envelope system I’m going to start using to help stay on track!
What’s left to do?
I already know I’m not going to hit everything on my list, and that’s okay. I’m actually further along than I realized before writing this post! Having read through it though, I can see where I need to refocus my attention to cross of some things that really do matter to me, like forming my nonprofit and some of the more “just for fun” goals like learning French and daily creativity.
I’m looking forward to setting some 35 before 35 goals that will be fun, a bit ambitious, and will push me closer to where I want to be in the next half decade!