Not a Day Goes by Where I Don’t Think About Death

April 19, 2023

Not a day goes by where I don’t think about death and how fleeting life can be, and lately, it feels like the universe is reminding me of how important it is to empty out everything I carry inside my heart before I go.

From books and teachings to art and music, there’s nothing I want to take with me when I leave this crazy and chaotic realm, and there are very specific things that have been brewing inside me that if I die before they’re out, my life would feel deeply incomplete.

I lived the totality of my youth and young adulthood feeling a perpetual sense of urgency until I taught myself to balance the awareness that the possibility of death looms around every corner with the potential for a long, happy life with “plenty of time.” I learned to hold my deep and reverent presence to the risk of each day being the last alongside a settled sense of trust that there are many more days to come (and plan for).

But lately, the urgency has returned.

The call to create has amplified.

And some things have sat inside me for months and years too long. Words that continue to write themselves and lessons that long to be spoken out loud for others to do with them what they will. And with those creations rattling loudly around every corner of my soul, there’s a sense that emptying out every day must become my highest priority because the cost of not doing so is growing.

Time may not be “running out” just yet… but it’s definitely passing more quickly.

So, I’m listening.

More and more every day.

And I’m refocusing my energy on what really matters—who I’m here to be and what I’m here to create and contribute.

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