Building a Business Around a Concept

September 22, 2016

In this episode, I’m talking with the fabulous Sue Ann Gleason, creator of Chocolate for Breakfast and the Well-Nourished Woman. I had the pleasure of getting to know Sue Ann back in 2010, and I’ve absolutely loved watching the evolution of her business over the last six years.

The reason I chose Sue Ann for this series is because she took a simple, fun “concept” and turned it into a profitable and fulfilling business. Where most health coaches are focusing on cleansing, supplements, and eating whole foods,  Sue Ann was building a business around the idea of “Chocolate for Breakfast.” Over the years she’s built such a powerful following around this concept that she was featured in Oprah Magazine, and has since evolved her business into multiple facets, allowing her to flow between the offerings, clients, and programs that light her up. Listen in as we talk about her inspiration, the journey of growing this business, how she’s built a multi-faceted business model and the awesome insights she picked up along the way!

thumbnailNourishment guide, SoulCollage® facilitator and ‘wise business’ strategist, Sue Ann Gleason is a lover of words, a strong believer in the power of imagination, and a champion for women who want to live a more delicious, fully expressed life. She has been featured in Oprah and Runner’s World magazines and numerous online publications.

When not working with private clients or delivering online programs, Sue Ann can be found sampling exotic chocolates or building broccoli forests in her mashed potatoes.

You can connect with her in a few different places. Delicious freebies await you. joyful eating | nourished living | wise business

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