6 Small Habits to Support Your Big Mindset Change

December 23, 2020

Change your mind, change your life goes a phrase making rounds on social media.

Your mindset is the ultimate tool for success – but we all know the switch doesn’t happen overnight.

To support your big life change, I’ve made a comprehensive list of all the little (or not so little?) habits that had the biggest impact on me and my clients when it comes to changing your mindset.

Here are some of the habits you can use as building blocks to build your dream life!

1. Daily journal

Forget all about the Dear Diary moment here – journaling is so much more than that! 

Use it as a way to structure your thoughts, put all your ideas on paper, or simply, do a quick brain dump at the end of the day. (and sleep better afterward!)

If you struggle to write on your own, then find one of those journals that come with prompts. Some journals have questions to guide your thoughts or little day-to-day planners to help you keep your focus.

Pro tip: Opt in for real paper, not writing on your laptop or phone. Trust me, it makes a difference!

2. Be mindful

There’s a reason why you hear the word mindfulness everywhere you go.

Mindfulness won’t only do a lot to help you keep your stress levels under control but it’s also going to help you improve your concentration and gain clarity.

One way to make sure you’re meditating regularly is to include meditation in your morning or evening routine. Make it as routine as… brushing your teeth or taking a shower – and you’ll soon be doing it on autopilot!

READ NEXT: How Your Mindset is Holding You Back

3. Use your vision board daily

How often has it happened that you create your vision board and then… somehow forget about it?

A vision board works only if you work too 😉 but another part of the deal is that you have to be able to see your vision board daily in order to keep up the momentum.

That’s why I recommend you create an actual vision board, not just a folder on Instagram or Pinterest. Take the time to pick the photographs and print them out – it’s going to make a world of a difference!

Pro tip: Write your word of the year (or a phrase) at the top of your vision board to get daily reminders of the direction you’re heading in.

4. Listen to podcasts

Podcasts are absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

And if you happen to find the right ones, they’re not only something you should be listening to while stuck in traffic or cleaning.

The right podcasts can be life-changing – inspiring, motivating, and full of great personal stories on perseverance!

Pro tip: Listen to our new Tales from The Journey podcast to hear the most amazing, inspiring stories from real-world heroes!

5. Make time for reading

Yes, I know you’re short on time but hear me out: what if you dedicate just 15 minutes per day to reading? It can be right before going to bed (and skip the tech use) or while you’re waiting for dinner to cook.

Can you imagine how many books that’s going to account for in a year?

Let me tell you, it’s going to be at least 10, more than most people read!

Also, here I’d like to point out that there’s nothing wrong with audiobooks either. Just like the podcasts, plug them in and get the chance to learn and grow while doing something else.

6. Spend time with people you admire

The easiest, most natural way to change your mindset is… you’ve guessed it, to be around people who already have it.

And once you see the world through their eyes, you cannot unsee it.

No one in your location? Well, head online – I’m pretty sure there are dozens of different groups on different social media platforms no matter the type of person you’re looking for!

Which of these habits are you going to work on adopting first? Leave me a comment and let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

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