Full circle moment.
One year ago, I went into a training centered around process work right as my relationship was ending, and it was the beginning of an unparalleled season of healing and growth.
I didn’t know how deeply I was about to crack open or how much I’d wade through in the following weeks and months. How much of my life and business would come undone in the name of showing up fully aligned and expressed. Some of that was intentional, some was unexpected.
But today, as I enter into another weekend of the exact same work—a year wiser, far more whole and healed, and steadier in myself than ever before—I feel grateful.
Grateful for that relationship ending and for the boundaries I set to protect my peace. Grateful for every experience that followed—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Grateful that I understood the importance of this season and stayed true to myself, even when others didn’t understand or tried to pull me off course. Grateful for this life I’m living now as a result of it all.
I feel unshakable at a depth I haven’t felt since before loss, and even that doesn’t compare because I’ve learned so much this last year (the last 7+ years, but this one was especially rich with lessons and gifts).
I admit that the shifts and changes look like an overnight transformation, but they’re not.
They result from everything I consciously chose to walk through this last year (even if I resisted some of it at first). They’re the result of awakening parts of myself that were dormant, certain awarenesses clicking into place with support, and new beliefs embedding deep inside my soul.
I feel awake, alive, excited, and joyful.
Clear on where I’m going and who I need (and want) to be to get there quickly.
If I could go back to this day one year ago and tell that heartbroken and disoriented version of myself what was coming, I know she’d have felt so much comfort and excitement. But the journey had to be what it had to be, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.