Around Here (aka My Month Long Funk)

June 25, 2013


I’m writing you today from the end of a month long funk.

I have to say first, I’m a big fan of the funky funks. Anytime I find myself in one, I know that it’s time to make some serious changes in my life. Something’s not working and my capacity for whatever it is has been exceeded. It’s a time of change, destruction, rebirth, renewal and exploration. I love, love, love these times.

But they’re also hard and exhausting.

May was a time of massive transition for me.

New love, a cross-country-and-ocean move, major changes to my business, altitude, a big empty house and two suitcases to live from, the boyfriend meeting my parents and me meeting his (during a week-long road trip to MO). On top of that, sh*t seemed to hit the fan with all the client sites being launched that week and my stress went through the roof. We ate out and I didn’t work out. There were many, MANY factors leading up to this funk and sometimes a girl just needs to shut down, am I right?

So during this time, I’ve worked very hard on being good to myself. Not forcing myself “through” it, but sinking into the feelings and just being good to myself.

There’s been several drives to the mountains where I just sat with nature and took in the sites. Listened to the birds chip, the bugs buzz and the water rush past me. I even stuck my toes in the freezing cold mountain stream and took pictures of flowers. 🙂 I painted my nails and wore jammy pants when I felt like it. My love and I went for walks, played dominoes and snuggled up on the couch. I rested.

But I also did things that I know I LOVE and that are good for me.

I stopped eating processed sugar, went to as many boxing classes as my schedule allowed and focused on my half marathon training. I slept in, napped when I needed and even passed out really early on some nights (we’re talking 8pm friends). Lots of water, skype dates with best friends and scented candles while I work.

Slowly, but surely, I’m beginning to feel like myself again. My energy’s coming back, I feel like getting out and about with other humans and I’m requiring less sleep and solitude. By taking the space needed and really sinking into what I felt (without creating stories or making it something other than just being in a funk), I uncovered some things that really aren’t working in my life.

As always, this is awesome news, because it means I can now make changes. I’ve already done some intense work with a life coach of my own, created new offerings in my business, eliminated those that weren’t working and had some heart to hearts with my man and my good friends about what I’m going through and what I need.

I’m moving forward and I feel so much lighter.

Here’s what I know about the funky funks:

If you try to push through it and “feel better,” you’re going to miss the lessons in the funk. I know, because I’ve done this before. Until you face what’s not working, you’ll continue to fall into a funk spiral and pretty soon they’ll be so often that they’ll just blur together. This is also known as depression. Best to avoid whenever possible.

Everyone goes through funks… sometimes they’re dramatic and everything falls apart (something I’ve mastered the art of), and sometimes they’re slow and subtle. Either way, it’s so important to rest and give yourself the space you need.


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