Be in Each Moment of Every Day

August 24, 2020

Just be in each moment of every single day. Don’t relive the past or project your fears onto the future. Just be here now, right where your feet are, engaging in the living, loving, and creating that’s right in front of you. There’s nothing else, no one else, nowhere else.

The more fully we engage in the now, the more able we are to create what we desire. The more we can consistently choose a new way of being because we’re no longer allowing the past to influence how we show up or dictate our responses. We’re no longer allowing the fear of recreating the past to color our future as we move forward.

There’s only ever right now.⁣
It’s easy to forget, I know.

It’s easy to get caught up in planning and goal setting, as well as in our hopes and fears. It’s easy to believe we’re doomed to repeat all the things that broke our hearts and bruised our souls if we don’t cling to past lessons. Just like it’s easy to believe we’re never going to get to where we want to be if we’re not always obsessing about the future.

But it’s about balance and presence.

Hold what you desire in your heart, and come back to this moment. Breathe. Trust that you’ve learned and grown and don’t need to carry the past forward. Feel into what’s real and right for you NOW, then take focused actions that align with what you say you want. Navigate the messy middle as you need, and trust yourself to course-correct when it’s time.

One day, one moment, one step at a time.⁣
Starting right here, right now.


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