The Hero’s Journey for Personal Growth

December 17, 2018

Understanding where you started on this journey that you’re walking is what allows you to create a map for what comes next. Not from a place of clinging to “what was” or trying to get back to how things were before… there is no going back. Especially not when the journey has altered you so deeply at your core.

We look back to create a point of reference.
To gather information that helps us identify where we stand now.
To determine where we want to go and what we want to create from here.

If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant, you’re likely at one of two important choice points on the path… ones that I’ve often found myself stuck at as well. Especially in the aftermath of my loss. In that first year of grieving and PTSD and attempting to heal and find my footing.

Learning that I was at that important choice point and that I had to CHOOSE—with everything in me, every single moment of every single day—is the reason I am where I stand today.

This is the first of three videos I’m sharing this week… it’s all about how to use The Hero’s Journey framework as a tool to rise up and come back in the aftermath of the truly challenging chapters.

Where are you feeling stuck or stagnant in your own journey?

You can also click here to download my Hero’s Journey guide, which will share more about the individual steps of the framework, and how to start creating that map for yourself. 🙂

If you’d like to go deeper into the work of uncovering the purpose of your path, and navigating each step of the journey with the necessary tools, insights, and resources, join me for the next round of Journey Mapping™.

We start Monday, January 7th, but if you sign up before December 26th, you’ll also get one-on-one coaching with me and access to my signature Foundations for Unshakeable Joy program!

Click here to learn more.

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