In times of transition and massive edge-pushing, I’m always reminded of the words a kind stranger said to me during the most challenging season of my life.
When I was a devastated shell of a person who’d just left an abusive situation, I couldn’t even eat or drink past morning because I was still healing from not being able to swallow and scared to death after all I’d lost.
“The part of you that’s afraid, that’s the wound,” he said with a gentle smile. “Don’t feed the wound. Feed the parts that are coming alive, and you’ll be too busy living an amazing life to notice the fear.”
In that simple exchange at a networking event, this man changed my life. And his words still resonate years later.
There’s a lot to be unsettled about. There are things to fear and things that cause me massive anxiety right now. There’s a lot of uncertainty, and at times I feel very adrift.
But I know what’s trying to come alive in me, I know what’s meant to come next.
I just have to keep feeding those parts and anchoring more deeply into faith, holding my vision tight and surrendering to the unfolding as I take each step forward.
Trust and release.
Over and over again.
All while endlessly nourishing what’s trying to come alive. What’s trying to be birthed from deep within. Who I’ve always been called to be in this little life of mine.
What’s coming alive in you right now?
And how will you feed it?