Is It a Good Idea to Start a Business Now?

May 3, 2020

Let’s be real for a second:

At the moment, not letting fear get to you is somewhat of a Herculean task.

With the future being so uncertain, it’s no wonder many have put a lot of plans on the back burner.

But while we probably won’t do a lot of traveling this summer (fingers crossed I’m wrong!), think twice before putting off your business plans.

During a time of massive change, getting a grip on your future can ease not only the financial burden, but your mind as well.

And we all need a bit of that, don’t we?

Starting a business right now – for real?

Yes, for real.  

In all fairness, this is probably not the ideal time to set a brick-and-mortar business up and running. (Unless you’re certain there’s demand for the product you offer.)

But there hasn’t been a better time to build a home-based (or online!) business!

The thing is, the world’s still moving – albeit at a slower pace. There’s still demand for whatever product or service you were intending to offer in the first place, even if it may need to be adjusted a bit.

And besides, think about all the head start you’ll have if you choose to act now and ride out the storm, rather than give up altogether!

Still not sure?

Here’s some food for thought on why you don’t need to delay stepping into entrepreneurship.

People are paying more attention

You know your target audience best, but chances are that right now, people are paying much more attention to the online world than ever before!

Put your thinking cap on… what’s your ideal buyer doing right now? How do they feel? What type of content can you publish to get their attention? 

If you’re a writer, then maybe focus on ways brands can get more recognition – or how starting a blog can help them stand out! If you’re a coach, what do people need the most help with right now? Then, provide them with that!

You likely have more time right now!

Talking about free time… even if you’re homeschooling AND trying to work right now, there’s a good chance you can find at least an extra 30min to an hour every day from not commuting, going to appointments, or running as many errands.

You decide what you do with that extra time.

My best advice is to use it to secure your future!

It can be an hour in the morning or an 30min before you go to bed, whatever works best for you. Commit to working during that time and see what happens in a month.

Naturally, it’s not always easy getting some work done if you have a full house – distance learning is sure t o u g h! – but as long as you set your goals right, you’ll be still making steady progress!  

Home-based businesses require a minimal investment

If you were to start a brick and mortar business, retail, restaurant, or practice – yes, you’d be required to spend quite the sum just to set it all up.

Luckily for you, an online business doesn’t require that level of an investment, thus minimizing the risk. And it doesn’t take a lot of time to see whether you’re moving in the right direction or not.

Thanks to free tools and resources available, you can have a decent-looking business up and running in as little as a week, without spending more than a hundred dollars or so.

It’ll help you get ease of mind

You know, the scariest part of all this is the lack of control. There’s nothing worse than just sitting there, feeling powerless and helpless as the world as we’ve known is changing forever. BUT… while you can’t control the world, you can control what happens within your own bubble.

Get a firm grip over your future – and get some ease of mind in return.

Knowing that you’re working on something – where no one can fire you or cut your check in half! – well, it’s a game-changer. And trust me, that feeling is priceless!

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