I’ve Been Feeling My Rage and Fury This Week

June 17, 2021

I’ve been feeling my rage and fury this week, and it’s been oh so healing and good.

I spent most of my life with no relationship to anger, thinking I had to be happy, get over things, or stop being “too sensitive.”

But I love my anger.

It’s wise and transformational.
It releases stored grief and trauma.
It brings much-needed clarity.

And this week is no different. My anger is healing old wounds and instilling new boundaries and standards. It’s showing me what I’m unwilling to tolerate or engage in anymore, and I always deeply appreciate those lessons, even when they’re hard.

Our feelings never lead us astray if we work with the raw energy and ignore the lies and stories they try to conjure up. If we process and release through productive channels, gaining new insights and awareness as they go.

Welcome your rage and fury, and let it grow bigger than the person or experience that triggered it.

Let it educate and inform you as you move it through and out of your body.

And watch this space… we’re doing a live run of Journey Mapping starting next month at an incredible price, and learning to work with and utilize our emotions is a big piece of the process.

More details soon!

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