Making a Quantum Leap in My Life

March 17, 2021


If we want to do the impossible quickly, we must understand what it takes to quantum leap.

And—shocker!—that doesn’t mean working harder or doing more of the same.

In fact, it often means turning in a completely new direction, altering stale patterns, and focusing our energy toward the path of least resistance.

I’ve been working on this around my business vision and goals, and it’s been challenging to navigate. This practice of not “doing more of the same” or “trying even harder” goes against my nature. It goes against what’s allowed me to grow to this point.

But that’s the gig.

Our winning strategies have kept us at a certain level of safe, secure, and successful our whole life. But in order to go for more, do the impossible, and quantum leap, we have to step outside of those old ways of being and into something new and different. Something that feels counterintuitive to our outdated subconscious programming and limiting beliefs about what’s possible.

I can tell you that it’s oh so terrifying.
And feels really, really good.

I’m already feeling a tremendous energetic uptick and seeing the results of these internal and external shifts reflected back to me little by little. It can only grow from here—and rapidly at that.


PS—Curious about how to work this approach and process for yourself? Join us in Coaching + Community!

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