My Best Advice for Your First Year in Business

March 11, 2021

Finally made the leap and now you proudly call yourself an entrepreneur?

Then this one’s for you!

If you ask others, most will agree that the first year in business is often the most challenging one.

And yet, with a little bit of guidance from seasoned entrepreneurs and a mind that’s ready to learn and grow, you can make this year one of the most significant ones in your life.

Here’s my best advice on how to make the most of your first year in business!

Dream big but action small!

I wholeheartedly believe dreams shouldn’t fit into boxes or follow the status quo. Even the sky isn’t the limit anymore!

However, to make sure you’re going to make those dreams come true one day, then play it smart in the beginning. Dream big but action small!

Think of the first year of being your own boss as the year you’re setting the foundation for your success. You’d like that foundation to be solid, right?

Focus on setting proper goals (that you can actually achieve!), building the right habits, managing your time, mastering business operations, and learning the skill of trusting others. It’s going to make a world of a difference in a couple of years!

Be strategic right from the start.

Don’t let the word strategic scare you – even new businesses need a strategy!

Following a strategy implies you know what you’re doing every step of the way. Put most simply, you know what to do, how to do it, and more importantly – why you’re doing it.

Yes, your marketing plan goes under this umbrella but don’t forget to think about your overall business strategy. All the way from knowing your USP (unique selling proposition) to finding your niche, it should all be written on paper!

Pro tip: Not sure how to approach your business launch? Then click here to join me on my 12-week signature program that’s helped many others like you jumpstart a successful business right from the start!

Trade well with your time and energy.

In your first year as a business owner, you’ll quickly learn that you’re trading so much more than just money – you’re trading time and energy.

Learn to trade well and set up some solid boundaries around your time and energy. There’s a massive benefit in knowing when to say no!

On top of that, managing your time often includes outsourcing part of your work (especially the things out of your zone of genius) and trusting others to do well. You can’t do everything yourself!

Now, that’s not always going to be easy but it’s the only way to run your business as opposed to run in your business!

Supercharge your mindset!

Your mindset is your biggest, most powerful business tool. And if I may add, it’s THE thing that can significantly impact the way your business story unfolds

Perseverance, determination, and optimism all stem from a healthy mindset. If you want to make this the year you change your life for the better, then there’s no more room for beliefs that no longer serve you and self-sabotaging behavior.

If the gap’s just too big to cross yourself, then seek assistance. The right business coach can make a world of a difference both in your life and business!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten regarding your business beginnings?

Leave me a comment and let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

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