Personal Branding and Mission Statements: Why Everyone Should Have One

May 26, 2010

Personal branding is essential for any individual that wants to build a consistent and focused life.

Before this past year or so of serious soul searching and personal growth, I would have believed that things like mission statements and personal branding should be limited to companies and public figures. Now, I realize that it’s essential for building a consistent and focused life.

By creating a mission statement you learn how to hone in on your passions and purpose while setting a clear, overall goal for your life. A driving force for everything that you do. I believe it is the most important step in building your personal brand and building the life that you want to live. If you want to be the Best, Healthiest and Happiest You™, you have to understand what that means to you.

“My mission is to use my mind and creativity, through businesses, art, writing and leading by example, to teach and inspire personal responsibility and gratitude in others, along with the goal of becoming the best, healthiest and happiest person they can possibly be.” Stephenie Zamora

My mission statement defines the person that I want to be, what I want to accomplish and through what methods I plan to do that. By understanding these things, I am able to build my life accordingly. If being the best, happiest and healthiest me means I am as green as I can be, I am giving back to the world, I am fit, healthy, active and I am working to inspire others towards these same goals–that means that my companies and projects, my actions and my words reflect this.

I am currently working on building my personal brand and extending my core values into all facets of my life while working to live my mission statement. It is a concept that I wish to share further with you as I believe it’s essential. Please be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming posts around personal branding and creating your mission statement!

Please, share your thoughts on the subject in the comments section.

Do you have a mission statement? What does personal branding mean to you?

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