Running into the “Upper Limit”

December 3, 2010

This week started out amazingly well.

I learned that two of my three awesome tenants have decided to stay in my house for the next two years. We found an extremely eager to learn intern to help out with the load of two businesses and an upscale of our marketing. I got some very exciting news on Wednesday about an awesome opportunity. I talked with my bestie TWICE and had a chance to meet Chris Guillebeau for his Unconventional Book Tour!

And then I woke up Thursday morning to find that our business debit card number had been stolen… which caused a check going into my account to not process, putting it in the negative. A necessary payment for StartupCorner turned out to be a LOT more than expected and was declined due to the loveliness of being overdrawn. My computer is acting up and my car wouldn’t start.

At one point I remember joyfully wondering, what could possibly be next?

Yes, joyfully… because while everything above is stressful, bad timing and just plain frustrating, I immediately thought back to Marie Forleo’s post on having an “upper limit” problem. Basically, we all have an internal set point for how much wealth, success, happiness, etc that we are comfortable experiencing. When we surpass that set point, we begin to find ways and reasons to drop back to the familiar and comfortable life we were living before.

I remember my most recent upper limit experience. I had been very depressed and unhappy with my life and career/business for some time. While working at my “cover the bills” part time job, I began to listen to Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins and read through some very inspiring quotes, articles and books. Through practicing positivity, gratitude and pushing through negative feelings, I found myself bubbling over with happiness. I felt so much love and gratitude in my heart that I wanted to hug others to pass it on… and then one evening my computer didn’t fire up. With my new found positivity in place, it didn’t phase me. But as the days passed, it was clear that the computer was most definitely dead and walking into the Apple store to buy a brand new machine was just not an option. At this point, I allowed myself to fall back into the negative, victim based thoughts that my life sucked and would never get better.

Not this time. I’ve stayed positive and grateful through the past few months of extreme financial strain and I refuse to allow these setbacks to stop me from pushing forward. Instead of frazzling myself further or over thinking the many negative aspects of the day, I shut down my computer and put on my PJs. A few episodes of my favorite shows, a nice nap with the cat and some snuggling on the couch with my love were exactly what the doctor ordered. Treating yourself well and with compassion, while refusing to entertain or succumb to negative thinking, are the most important parts of pushing through an upper limit problem.

Today is a new day and I’m ready to press on!

Have you ever experienced and “upper limit” problem?

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