Emotions Lead Us Right Into the Void

July 2, 2021

Over a month ago, I got a massage for the first time in a year and a half.

“Wow,” she gasped the second she set her hands on me. “You’re so tight; you must have had a lot of stress recently.”

“Yeah,” I replied, “haven’t we all?”

A few hours after, I couldn’t stop crying. Sobs from deep in my belly just poured through until they quit. Grief and frustration, anger and fear—all were moving out with no specific reason attached.

It was a powerful reminder of how much emotion gets stored in the body.

Even me—someone who feels feelings freely—found myself processing an enormous amount of stored emotion from the last many months. The uncertainty of the pandemic, the unrest all around the world, the heartbreaks and hurt, and the unspoken fear. All of it found its way into my tissue and cells, pouring out in a flurry.

Emotions are the gateway to everything we desire, especially the contractive and uncomfortable ones. And until we do the work to actively process them out—physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically—they stay stuck in our bodies. They don’t just go away; they metastasize into disease, pain, depression, and anxiety.

Emotions lead us right into The Void, an aspect of my work that has transformed so much of how I heal, grow, and make impossible things happen.

And The Void is always accessible to us.

The problem is, we fight against our feelings so intensely (and often unconsciously) that we don’t even know where to begin to access this powerful space.

Don’t forget to join me for our free Journey Mapping intro session to learn more about using emotions to access The Void. This is my FAVORITE part of the work.

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