Keep Facing Forward

January 4, 2018

Keep facing forward.
That’s the work.

Take the lessons and the gifts and carry them with you, but don’t look back. Don’t fall into the habits and patterns and ways of being that allowed you to create the misaligned life, relationships, and experiences you had before. Notice when you start operating from that old space, and then choose a different way of being. Choose to face forward, feed the part that’s coming alive, and be the person you want to be.

I’ve watched myself begin to fall into old patterns this past week. In day to day life… in my business… in my relationships. I see and feel it happening, and I choose to do something different. I stop—right in the middle of those actions or thoughts—and I make a different choice. I take a different action. I think a different thought. Even if it’s imperfect or far from graceful. Even when I have to do it over and over and over again.

I don’t say “I’ll do better next time.”
I do it right then and there from where I’m at.

It’s not easy… but I refuse to create anything less than what I desire this year. In all areas of my life. I refuse to fall into old patterns and ways of being. I refuse to go backward.

Face forward.
Make different choices.
Take different actions.
Create something new.

That’s the work.  💕

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