Living Inside of Big Questions

December 2, 2021

I spent the majority of this year living inside of big questions and what felt like endless uncertainty—creating as much space as I could for clarity to come through.

And it has, bit by bit, over the last couple of months.

I’m oh so grateful that I waited as long as it took for these answers.

Because not only did I get the clarity and direction I desired for every area of my life, but I unearthed so much of what’s been standing in the way of what I want. I’ve made new commitments to myself and to so many of the things I lost sight of with loss and trauma all those years ago. And I’m finally prioritizing aspects of my life I’ve never had the strength to settle firmly into before.

I can see all the declarations I made that I fell short of over the years. All the places and spaces where I didn’t take myself seriously or show up wholeheartedly, causing me to attract personal and professional relationships that didn’t either.

A vicious cycle that’s kept me small for far too long.

I’m going for some massive things this next year, all of which require enormous changes, growth, discomfort, and risk. But I’m so ready, and all the healing this year brought has laid such a solid foundation beneath my feet. Everything is finally beginning to move in a more aligned direction, and I can’t wait to see how it unfolds.

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