How I’m Reaching My Big, Impossible Goal

January 7, 2022

I’ve been working hard behind the scenes.

I’m busy, busy putting together a whole new suite of products that are affordable and designed to support you wherever you’re at on your journey.

Take a peek at one of the new books here.

Read more about what the new vision is here.

And you can watch my vlog with our 2022 plans here.

I set a release date for all these products that’s wholly arbitrary.

I did that because, in order to make impossible things happen, we have to shift our way of being in the world. One of the best ways to do that is to set a bold goal that requires us to show up differently and organize ourselves, our lives, and our time around what we say is important.

It’s been a ton of work.

I’ve revamped and updated our Awesome Life Guides collection.

I’ve redesigned and updated our Foundations for Unshakable Joy workbook.

I’ve recorded AcuSesh albums around specific pain points with multiple tracks each.

I’ve written brand new focused books in insanely short periods.

I’ve recorded updated workshops on some of my favorite teaching topics.

And I’ve been completely rewriting Journey Mapping.

I’ve set the shop update for January 25th, and the truth is, I’m not sure I’ll hit it.

But I’ve created so much more than I would have if I’d just left it open-ended and waited to see “what I could get done.”

Instead, I decided what I wanted to get done: a big, impossible, absolutely ridiculous amount of work in a short period on top of living my life, working with coaching clients and supporting website redesign projects, and not pushing off other internal deadlines and projects like the relaunch of our podcast in March. I committed to all of this while also making a pact with myself to keep my well-being a top priority: eating good foods, getting outside, talking to friends, and exercising.

There have been several moments where I was confident it couldn’t happen.

That I’d have only a handful of small products to release, and very few new things.

But that’s what decision and commitment to an exciting goal help us do: find solutions we would never have considered otherwise.

I’ve had serious moments of, “I might as well give this up.”

Health issues and setbacks and life happening in ways that stole precious time.

But every single instance, I looked at what time was remaining and completely reconfigured my approach. I shifted the workload around and how I’d tackle each task and product. I shifted my personal schedule where I could and figured out how to work around fixed time constraints. And I dropped into the depths of focus mode to produce an outrageous amount of content in insanely small amounts of time.

There’s still so much to be done.

I’m not in the clear yet. 😅

But I’m so proud of what I’ve been able to create and the possibilities this new body of work opens up for myself, my business, and my audience. I’ve made a lot more happen than I would’ve if I hadn’t made this wholehearted commitment to myself.

The thing about big, bold promises and commitments like these is they have to really mean something to us.

I’ve tried to set arbitrary goals like this before, only to never start and watch the goal date pass by with nothing done.

Contrary to popular belief, I’m not always a wildly disciplined machine.

I have to be excited about what I’m working towards. It has to be meaningful to me and the bigger picture of what I want to create for my life and work.

It has to be something that moves me forward.

Of all the things I could’ve prioritized, this wasn’t the most obvious choice.

Looking at how I make the most money in my business, it’s not on books and products right now. But when I look at my long-term vision for this media company we’re building and the impact I want to have, products are crucial. Products make the work more accessible. Products mean we can reach more people without being overextended on time. And the products we’re creating give people the option to start their path through this work wherever feels most vital to them.

It’s easy to put things off that are in the vision “down the road.”

But making the impossible happen is about understanding how to close the gap on time. If the vision feels far from where you are now, it’s easy to stay at the same level of doing and being—working toward incremental improvements and hoping that “someday” it amounts to the big vision you hold in your heart.

You can do that and maybe get to where you want to be.

Or you can challenge yourself to move it forward in a significant way right now.

I chose the latter, and I’m so glad that I did.

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