You Have to Get Comfortable With the Void

August 18, 2022

You have to get comfortable with the void if you want to transform your life and make impossible things happen rapidly.

You have to sit in that liminal space, the place between no longer and not yet. The awkward and isolating transition period between who you were and who you’re becoming.

It’s not easy, and that’s why so many revert to the known and familiar. They hate uncertainty and feel deeply out of sorts in the isolation. They don’t trust themselves, let alone the process they’re knee deep in.

I get it.

Two summers ago my last relationship ended for the first time. For three months we were apart and that’s when I realized I wanted a different life. To leave Colorado and live off-grid on a plot of land in the forest.

But I got scared.

My plans weren’t coming together.

I was alone, missing him and us.

Everything was hard and uncomfortable.

So I went back.

To the relationship that wasn’t fulfilling or healthy, to a committed life in the valley I hated, and to all things known and familiar, as painful as they’d become.

It made me sick, mentally and physically.

It stalled and stagnated me so hard.

It broke my spirit apart.

I didn’t trust myself or the process. I wasn’t willing to weather the uncertainty or sit with the discomfort. I was afraid to move on, and to let him move on without me. I doubted myself along with my vision and desires.

The void is terrifying, but it’s the gateway to everything our soul desires. It’s the initiation into our fullest, truest expression.

There are tools that bring more ease to the process, and I leaned on them harder than ever the next time I found myself in that liminal space. I let the relationship go for real. I left the valley and released the people, things, and experiences that weren’t aligned more thoroughly than ever. I said yes to my big, terrifying vision and desires. I learned to trust in a way that produced miracles in my life. I found myself and my joy again.

I now know how to use and facilitate these tools better than ever, and it’s work I’m bringing to my coaching. If you’re ready to truly transform your reality and experience of life, the world, relationships, health, business, and money, then I’m ready to support you.

Things can change rapidly, I promise you that.

I have three catalyzing ways to work together.

Message me for details.

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