This Year Ended With a Grief I Didn’t Expect

December 31, 2022

This year ended with a grief I didn’t expect (both my cats passed rather suddenly), but as a whole, it gave me so many beautiful gifts.

Right up until the final days of this December, it continued to surprise and delight me with constant confirmations that anything is possible when you stop settling for less than you desire. When you’re willing to be braver and bolder with your one life, and you settle into clean, unwavering faith. When you devote yourself to the deeper work with the intention to pull every unresolved trauma, limiting belief, and fear out by their roots.

This year healed me.

It showed me how to drop into the crevices of my being, allowing me to excavate things I could never reach before. It taught me deeper trust, gifted me with sweet support, and refilled my extremely depleted well.

This year gave me peace and freedom.

It brought me home to myself and gave me everything I needed to build a life that feels like me. It confronted and challenged me, forging a whole new kind of strength in my soul and teaching me true surrender.

This year gave me clarity.

It made so much of the journey make sense, answering questions I’d been asking for years. It reignited a fire inside my heart and called back every bit of energy and enthusiasm that grief and trauma stole from me. It brought an exciting vision for my work that will truly innovate and disrupt the industry as a whole.

This year was the best of my life.

Without question.

But even better, it was always just the beginning and the rebuilding, the destruction of everything misaligned and the forming of a sturdy foundation on which so many incredible new things will stand. So much is coming, all of which will stretch and expand me even more as I continue to live my processes with a deeper commitment and sprint toward the impossible goals I’ve decided to bring to life.

Thank you, 2022.

My heart is broken, and it’s so very, very full.

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