More, Better, and Different Are Available to You

December 9, 2022

More, better, and different are available to you at any moment, but you have to stop choosing what’s old and familiar.

You have to untangle yourself from all that’s misaligned to have space for what you want.

I spent two weeks in Hawaii at the start of this month.

This trip has been a gift in ways I couldn’t have anticipated. But at the same time, I made energetic, emotional, and physical space for the possibilities and opportunities to materialize, so of course they did. That’s how it works. I kept saying no more quickly to what wasn’t for me, didn’t feel good, or went against my new standards. I did it while embodying the frequency of full faith that what I want is possible and stopped wobbling around what that means for my life.

I want to tell you this story.

I want to shout it from the rooftops because it’s the perfect example of how life opens to us when we live these processes I teach. How what we desire starts moving towards us. How timelines can begin collapsing rapidly when you know how to engage with this frequency-based universe differently.

I’m living out the ending to my next book, and it’s far more magical than I ever could’ve imagined. Right now, it’s for me to be present and intentional with, but I will say this:

Trust is key.

In yourself, other people, and the universe.

In the process, especially when it feels like nothing is moving or flowing around you.

But we can’t trust when we haven’t healed what’s stored in our bodies and nervous systems. When unresolved trauma, unfelt grief, and unprocessed emotions compound in our cells. We can’t move from the frequency of faith when we have deep-rooted fear, limiting beliefs, and unproductive thought patterns running the show. When we haven’t identified our subconscious winning strategy so that we can start making truly conscious choices.

I’m not living this story because I’m lucky.

I’m living it because I did the work more intentionally than ever before. Because I chose to face what’s hard and what hurts without shying away. Because I started living these processes wholeheartedly and with all parts of me on board and invested.

Come work with me, and I’ll tell you all the juicy details of this epic story… 😆

Or come work with me because you’re ready to engage with life differently and experience true alignment, purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

I’ve never felt more equipped to help my clients make the “impossible” inevitable.

Message me to grab one of my new repatterning sessions at a super special December price. Spaces are limited.

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